Importance of A National Registry on Cervical Cancer Screening
On 2 December 2022, the Albanian Center for Population and Development (ACPD) held the “Importance of A National Registry on Cervical Cancer Screening” workshop. Attendees included ob-gyn clinicians, directors of maternity hospitals, public health experts, representatives from the Ministry of Health and Social Protection and the UNFPA Albania. Discussions in this meeting highlighted the decisive role the national registry plays in the campaign against HPV and cervical cancer in Albania.
In their opening remarks, Dr. Elona Hoxha, ACPD Executive Director, and Dr. Eugena Tomini, General Director of the Institute of Public Health, highlighted the achievements in the implementation of a national registry and emphasized the importance of continuing the work on the national cervical cancer registry as an essential part of the campaign against cervical cancer.
Workshop discussions touched upon various issues and recommendations for public institutions. The main topics brought up by participants related to the cooperation, implementation of protocols, quality assessment and assurance networks, etc.